Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 3


VOICES · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015

I JCLove You All!

As a little high school freshman attending my first regional convention at a local high school, I had no idea that the Junior Classical League would become the best thing that has ever happened to me so far. Four incredible years later, I look back on my millions of JCL memories with joy, on the extraordinary friendships I’ve formed with love, and on the path of fate that has gotten me here with gratitude.

I look back on this past year in particular with immense bliss. My term as your 2014-2015 NJCL President has been an unforgettable whirlwind. In the beginning of the year, my fellow officers and I had set a definite goal – that we, as a board, wanted to make an impact. We didn’t want to go down in the history books as any other group of officers that completed duties; we wanted to be known as the board which went above and beyond to evolve the NJCL. Looking back on my term, I am so happy to say that we’ve accomplished this goal. Our efforts this past year have helped the NJCL adapt to a modern, more technologically advanced world; with initiatives such as 1st VP Maya’s digital graphics for the National Classics Week Packet, 2nd VP Narayan’s increased online communication for the Club of the Month contest, and Editor Amol’s media enhancements to the first-ever digital editions of the Torch: U.S., we’ve made clear stepping stones of progress for the NJCL. In addition, it’s probably safe to say that we planned and oversaw one of the most successful National Classics Weeks in NJCL history. Our “#WhyClassics” hashtag and “Shake It Off” officers’ lip-sync video both trended online within the JCL community. I’m happy to leave the National Board knowing that our team of officers has made a positive mark, and I definitely couldn’t have led such a stellar group without the relentless support and guidance from my mentors, the wonderful Miss Elifrits and the fantastic Mrs. Robertson.

JCLers, I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you for the hilarious, crazy, wonderful memories. Thank you for inspiring me with your tireless passion that fiercely carries on the Torch of Classical Civilization. You will eternally remain in my heart.

All my JCLove,

Ruiqi He

2014-2015 NJCL President

Forever Emblazoned

Saying goodbye to my term as First Vice President this past week at Trinity University was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Over the past year, I have worked dedicatedly to “update” our resources and modernize the NJCL. Specifically, I recreated our pamphlets, redesigned the Promotional Video Contest and Membership Contest, and set a new precedent for the style of the National Classics Week packet, all while encouraging the efforts of state 1st Vice Presidents. Furthermore, I worked with Trinity University to bring local media coverage to National Convention and to better promote this organization on social media. My greatest thank you goes out to the National Committee and my mentor, Ms. Catherine Sturgill, for their support for all these various projects.

For the last seven years, JCL has filled my life with constant love, support, competition, and camaraderie. As I close this chapter of my life, I am truly leaving behind a family. Thank you for the laughs, the inside jokes, the competition, the drama, the skits, the hashtags, and the moments we have created over the past seven years. No organization has or ever will hold such a place in my heart, and I am thankful for each and every one of you, whether we are the best of friends or have yet to meet. Your passion and dedication reminds me constantly that the classics are far from irrelevant. I am forever emblazoned with the torch of the JCL.

E imo corde,

Maya Nandakumar

2014-2015 NJCL 1st Vice President

Relinquishing a Cherished Love

Love is defined as "an intense feeling of deep affection". It is that wonderful feeling of warmth seeping into your bones and tendons - that thought you get that everything will be okay, regardless of the situation. People love, people live, people laugh. They form groups to love and cherish one another, and they form societies and structures around this concept. Love is indeed a powerful emotion. Love encompasses a great deal of things. There is no emotion, however, to describe the love members of the Junior Classical League feel for one another.

You can only identify it if you come to a convention, and immerse yourself in the festivities. I guess we could call it "JCLove".The members of the Junior Classical League transformed my life with their JCLove. Five national conventions and five state conventions have made me transform to the person I want to be. I attribute all of my successes to the JCL. JCL is the reason, and I am thankful for it. I would like to thank you all for making this convention one to remember, and for ensuring my term ran without any major problems.

With your help, we created the most service-oriented

National Classics Week in NJCL history, and dramatically increased the number of Club of the Month submissions from 7 to 38 in a year. It was a pleasure to read your service submissions, and to reach out to your chapters to help in any way I could. Thank you for donating to Coin Wars, and I am so grateful for your help throughout our national service project.

I would like to extend my most heartfelt thanks to my wonderful mentor, Ms. Jankowski, the national committee, and my officers for helping me work towards spreading the light of the JCL to places previously unreachable. It has been an honor.

Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem - it is difficult to relinquish a long-cherished love. Now is the time. But the memories of JCL - the laughs, the love, the friendship, the spirit, the cheers, will stay with me forever.