Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 2

Torch:U.S. Policy

The Torch:U.S. is published four times yearly as the official magazine of the National Junior Classical League. Issues are published in fall, winter, spring, and summer. It is entered as third-class material from the Oxford, Ohio, Post Office. The ideas expressed in the Opinion section are the comments of the Torch:U.S. and its staff and should not necessarily be considered the policy of the National Junior Classical League, its officers, or the National Committee. Readers are encouraged to express their opinions on any subject relevant to the classics or JCL in the Voices Section. Your name and address or title must be included with your submission. All names will be published. Submissions may be sent to the editor or the advisor (see addresses to the left).

Photo Credits

Caitlin Johnston, Sarah Christian, Narayan Sundararajan, Martina Bright, Tiffany Xu, Hannah Barrett, Ryan Vinson, Tashi Treadway, Kevin Rutherford

Torch:U.S. Staff


Woojin Lee, Amol Punjabi


Caitlin Johnston

Contributing editors

Sarah Christian, Jack Godar, Natalie O'Dell, Kurt Ristroph, Trace Turner

Gratias Tibi Agimus, Trinity et alia!


2016 NJCL Editor

The 62nd NJCL convention brought about 1,600 delegates home to San Antonio, Texas, the location of the very first NJCL convention. The over three-digit heat warmed the hearts of the JCLers as they explored the campus and set off to conquer Ludi, Olympika, academics, and more.

After arriving on campus, the smiling faces of the TSJCLers wearing neon yellow t-shirts welcomed JCLers from all across the nation. Thank you to the TSJCL for running around to help make the rest of the NJCL’s lives a lot easier. Thank you to the Texas State Chairs and officers for working hard to make this national convention a success. Thank you to Trinity University for accepting us and always greeting us with smiles. Additional thanks to the National Executive Board and National Committee who made this convention a success. As Publilius Syrus said for next year’s convention theme, “ubi concordia, ibi victoria” (Where there is unity, there is victory).


Junior Classical League Directory

NJCL Officers 2015–2016

President Brier Anne Clough

[email protected]

First Vice President Michael Kearney

[email protected]

Second Vice President Hanna Seariac

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator John Nozik

[email protected]

Parliamentarian Amanda Hansen

[email protected]

Historian Hannah Barrett

[email protected]

Editor Woojin Lee

[email protected]

NSCL Officers 2015-2016

President Trace Turner

[email protected]

Vice President Kathryn Szymanski

[email protected]

Secretary Maddie Briner

[email protected]

Treasurer Jon Gumz

[email protected]

Parliamentarian Bob McDonald

[email protected]

Editor Jack Godar

[email protected]

Historian Sarah Christian

[email protected]

National Committee 2015-2016

Chair, Contests, Creative Arts Amy Elifrits

[email protected]

Vice Chair, Contests, Graphic Arts Melissa Burgess

[email protected]

Secretary, Communications Dobbie Vasquez

[email protected]

Contests, Olympika/SCL Tony Martin

[email protected]

Contests, Digital Tom Reed

[email protected]

Public Relations/Membership Catherine Sturgill

[email protected]

Contests, Certamen William Lee

[email protected]

Convention Advisor Sue Robertson

[email protected]

Programs/Scholastic Services Sherry Jankowski

[email protected]

Constitutional Advisor Dennis Webb

[email protected]

Contests, Academics David Jackson

[email protected]

Publications Caitlin Johnston

[email protected]

Administrator/Ex-Officio Sherwin Little

860 NW Washington Boulevard, Suite A Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 529-7741 • fax (513) 529-7742 • [email protected]

Print to Digital Transition Period

This issue of the Torch:U.S. will be the last one printed and mailed to sponsors. Links to all subsequent issues will be posted on the NJCL website.

Fall 2015 · Torch:U.S. · CONVENTION THANK YOU