Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 17

fourth contest session, and the semi-final round of competitive certamen, JCLers filled the Stieren Theater to hear candidates answer questions and show off quirky dance moves in the Candidates’ Open Forum. Right after that was the voting fellowship, in which state delegations got together to discuss their decisions on the candidates. After the dust cleared in GA IV, the winning candidates turned out to be Brier Clough (VA), Michael Kearney (WI), Hanna Seariac (MA), Jon Nozik (CA), Amanda Hansen (NV), Hannah Barrett (OH), and Woojin Lee (LA). Results were announced while the auditorium was glistening with purple and gold for Thursday’s spirit theme, “Throwback Thursday.” JCLers then enjoyed a fiesta-themed dinner, featuring delicious tacos and enchiladas, before heading back to the Laurie for That’s Entertainment (40th anniversary edition).

Then Friday – the last full day of Convention – came along, and although some JCLers were already starting to carry around heavy hearts, they knew they had to make the most of the last day nevertheless. Ludi Volleyball and Open Certamen started off the day, and the highly-anticipated Certamen Finals took place shortly thereafter. After breathtaking rounds, the first-place teams were Virginia for Novice, Florida for Intermediate, and Florida again for Advanced. JCLers then got ready for the Roman Procession, in which they first gathered by the Magic Stones and marched all the way to the Laurie in Roman attire. Lots of blue and aquatic blow-up animals could be seen, for the spirit theme of the day was “Tiber Riverwalk.” During the final General Assembly, Top Achievement awards were announced, tears were shed during the NJCL officers’ Farewell Speeches, and the new officers were inaugurated. JCLers then enjoyed lasagna and salad outside of the Coates for the Day in Old Rome Banquet. Shortly thereafter, teachers and former JCLers engaged in friendly competition for the World Series of Certamen, and semi-formally dressed JCLers showed off their fruf dance moves for the last time at the Farewell Dance “Save the Last Square Dance for Me.” The Webster Gym was pulsating with sweaty socks and sleep deprivation, but it was also beating with the sound of JCLove – the sound of friendship, utter happiness, and relentless passion in the name of the classics. That final evening, as JCLers said their final goodbyes, one thing was clear – this fruf, trey, trill convention at Trinity was one for the books, and it was already time to begin counting down the 364 days until next year’s convention at Indiana University.

Top: Certamen team gets ready for Intermediate Certamen Round 2.

Bottom: Snapchats from NJCL Convention 2015.

CONVENTION RECAP · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015