Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 16

with sounds of scribbling pencils as conventioneers took the Reading Comprehension, Roman Life, and Mythology tests. Many JCLers then headed toward Stieren to display their writing skills for the Essay Contest. However, the day officially started getting rowdy when the spirit competition commenced. The theme for Tuesday’s competition was “Old Western Classics,” and subsequently many cowboy hats and inflatable boots could be spotted among the sea of waving arms in the Laurie Auditorium before GA. During GA II, National Latin Exam medal winners were recognized and the Roll Call competition took place. During Roll Call, raps, musical acts, and even a skit featuring Shia LaBeouf’s “JUST DOOO IT” motivational speech made appearances. After GA, voting delegates headed off to NomCom to see the new officer candidates firsthand, while others competed in Ludi Basketball. That night, state officers and the NJCL officers enjoyed dinner together. Some JCLers performed their pieces for the Dramatic Interpretation contest, while competitive certamen teams headed to the Chapman and CSI for the first certamen round of the week. An informal mixer with the NJCL officers took place in the Fiesta Room later that night. Before state fellowship, conventioneers took the Academic Decathlon test, attended the second dance, “Lasso the JCLove,” or enjoyed a screening of the third Toy Story. That night, JCLers dreamed of the many exciting events that were still to come.

Wednesday began with the Marathon contest, which started at the Intramural Field. The third contest session then began, and the Laurie filled once again with yawning yet eager delegates hoping to test their knowledge in Mottoes, Classical Greek, Grammar, or Roman History. Before lunch, NJCL officer candidates expressed their platforms at Meet the Candidates, and Impromptu Art took place in the Fiesta Room. The second round of competitive certamen then took place early that afternoon before the second spirit competition of the week, “Lone Star-struck by Latin,” commenced in the Laurie. During these spirited 15 minutes, star-themed props lit up the auditorium. Candidates’ speeches constituted a majority of GA III. Right after the assembly, the Constitutional Amendment Committee Meeting was led by Parliamentarian Ashley Blazek. That night, the American Classical League President, Mrs. Kathy Elifrits, hosted a dinner for the NJCL and NSCL officers, the Sight Latin Reading contest took place, and some tried their hand at Ultimate Frisbee at the Intramural Field. Night activities on Wednesday were particularly notable – besides the dance (“These Boots Were Made For Dancin’”) and the Classical Art contest, the great Roman Murder Mystery – the ever-popular live-action role-play event – took place in the Chapman Great Hall.

Thursday was jam-packed and passed by quickly; after Ludi Soccer, the fourth contest session, and the semi-final round of competitive certamen, JCLers filled the

Below: Your 2015 NJCL officers on the Trinity Skyline Lounge balcony.

Below: Your 2016 NJCL Committee after A Day in Old Rome.

Below: The NJCL Chorus performs with Ms. Andrea Stehle, a Latin teacher from John Paul Stevens High School in San Antonio, TX, at GA.


Fall 2015 · Torch:U.S. · CONVENTION RECAP