Torch: U.S. Volume LXV Fall 2015 | Page 15

From July 27 to Aug. 1, JCLers from across the country made the birthplace of Latin Conventions proud when the NJCL returned to San Antonio, Texas, for its 62nd Annual National Convention. This lollapalooza in the name of the classics took place at Trinity University, a campus infamous for icy showers, scorching temperatures, and cockroaches on the loose – as well as for a beautiful auditorium, a phenomenal classics program, and decked-out dorms. More than 1,600 JCL delegates, accompanied by numerous SCLers, sponsors, and chaperones, traveled to South Texas to engage in academic, artistic, and athletic competitions and to have a blast with classicists from all over the nation.

Conventioneers first began arriving on Sunday, July 26, when delegates enjoyed Trinity campus tours, a screening of the first Toy Story, or board games in the Coates University Center. Later that night, pre-convention delegates convened in groups for the first State Fellowship meetings of the week, happily chattering in anticipation of the classics-filled week ahead.

Official Convention activities commenced on Monday, July 27, when the buzz of registration filled Bell Center. JCLers then headed toward the dazzling Laurie Auditorium for the first General Assembly of the convention, in which introductions, welcomes, and orientations were given. Notably, Mr. Alvin Dungan, first-ever NJCL President from 1953-54, gave unforgettable welcoming remarks. After the assembly, state representatives attended 2nd VP Narayan Sundararajan’s Spirit and Service Orientation (in which the official convention service project, Letters to Soldiers, was announced), some headed on over to the pool for Olympika Swimming, and some attended the first-ever NJCL Scavenger Hunt to meet new people and explore the Trinity campus. This inaugural event, hosted by Parliamentarian Ashley Blazek, was a great success and sparked the beginning of many new inter-state friendships. After dinner, numerous JCLers proceeded back to Laurie for the first Contest Session to test their mastery in Hellenic History, Latin Derivatives, Heptathlon, and Ancient Geography. Many slashers attended the NSCL Reception to get a taste of what the Senior Classical League is like, while JCLers dressed as Phaethon, Circe, or Aphrodite & Hephaestus made their way to the Costume Contest in Northrup Hall. In terms of night activities, conventioneers enjoyed open swimming, socializing at the Agora (Bazaar), or bringing on their moves at the first dance of the week, “Houston, We Have a Dance Floor.” Although the first day of convention was already over, the week had only just begun.

On Tuesday, many JCLers got out of bed bright and early to compete in Olympika Track, display their talent in the English Oratory contest, or battle for glory in Ludi Chess. Then, at 10 AM, the auditorium started filling up once again with

Above: A video of NJCL Convention 2015 Spirit by Timothy F. McCauley, an Upper School Latin and New Testament Bible teacher.

Top Right: Roll call skits.

Middle Right: Swimming Olympika.

Bottom Right: Throwback Thursday Spirit

CONVENTION RECAP · Torch:U.S. · Fall 2015