Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 6

Fall 2024 · Torch: U.S. · NATIONAL NEWS


service updates and

coin craze recap

Natalie Allen, 2023-2024 NJCL Second Vice President

I am so pleased to announce that this year’s national service project has been a huge success! Because of all of your guys’ hard work, love, and dedication, the NJCL was able to raise over 300 pounds of school supplies and make over 1,000 bookmarks!

The school supplies were donated directly to low income families and schools across central Ohio and have supplied hundreds of students in grades K through 12 with the necessary supplies for their school year. We also got together, throughout the week during service sessions, to make bookmarks. We made so many that we ran out of supplies after just two sessions!

The bookmarks were donated to dozens of nursing homes across Tennessee. In addition to that portion of the service project, we held a campus clean-up, which held an amazing turnout and results. It was amazing to give back to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and show them some love for hosting us! I am so unbelievably grateful that all of you have been able to share my passion for giving back to those in need and to our community. Your passion and dedication to these causes have blown me away. None of this would have been possible without you! Thank you!

Our NJCL Officers also fought for our chosen charity in another year of the convention tradition, Coin Craze! This year, the loser was NJCL Second Vice President Natalie Allen with over -82,000 points.

Throughout the week, the board raised $3,434.59 for the charity we chose together: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This hospital is a US cancer center that focuses on treating children with life threatening diseases and is focused on cutting edge research to help us understand pediatric cancer and how to treat it.

As my consequence for losing the 2024 Coin Craze, I was pied in the face in front of Rocky Top Dining hall after the final general assembly. The videos and photos of the pieing are available to see on the NJCL Instagram!