Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 12


Fall 2024 · Torch: U.S. · 2024 NJCL CONVENTION RECAP

The third Academics contest session also occurred during this time, as well as the third Colloquia session and the second session of service. Then, candidates gathered in the Student Union for Meet the Candidates, before everyone once again made the trek to Thompson-Boling Arena for the second spirit competition “Purple, Gold, and Singin’ the Blues: Propless Spirit” and General Assembly III. Zach Chen of Massachusetts gave opening remarks and then to the delight of the crowd, the minutes of General Assembly II were not read, as the motion passed. Kyle McGimsey of Florida and Louisiana was then presented with his Silver Bowl, before Alden Okoh-Aduako presided over the candidates’ speeches. Another General Assembly meant another round of awards announced, which NJCL Historian Trisha Iyer did for the Scrapbook contest and Natalie Allen gave both a Coin Craze update and the second round of spirit awards. Closing remarks were given by William O’Donnell of Maryland and off went delegates to the next item on their busy schedule. This included the third session of service, Academic Decathlon, and the supposed debut of Ludi Pickleball, which was unfortunately canceled due to the heavy downpour and thunderstorm. As the dark sky came around once again, JCLers participated in Impromptu Art, the third and final preliminary round of Competitive Certamen, the Costume Contest, the fourth session of Colloquium, the final day of Agora, and the second dance: Rocky Top Sock Hop. Agon also occurred on this night for Greek enthusiasts or souls interested in having a good time with a dose of competitive spirit. The night ended the same as the previous two with State Fellowship and the walk back.

The fourth day of convention started much earlier for Academic contest enthusiasts, who participated in the fourth contest sessions with a much earlier start time, but for Ludi fans, Ludi Ultimate Frisbee kicked off early, just like many other contests on the Intramural Fields. The final election event before voting fellowship, which followed lunch, also happened on this morning with Candidates’ Open Forum.

After, the first-ever NJCL silent spirit competition began, with the theme “Why Orange You Saying Anything: Silent Spirit. States showcased their creativity with dance moves, hand gestures, and using phone flashlights. As the fifteen minutes passed, the strike of the gavel three times signified the start of the fourth General Assembly, where Baala Shakya of Texas gave opening remarks. The minutes of the previous General Assembly were once again not read out loud, before Alden Okoh-Aduako had some very important announcements: the results of voting on amendments and candidates. He first read aloud the results of the amendments: all three of which did not pass. Then, the NJCL officers announced their successors in reverse gavel order. Mr. Wegenhart followed by presenting the recipients of this year’s NJCL scholarships before two more Silver Bowls were presented to Christopher Warrington of Ohio and Becky Bush of Indiana. Longtime convention attendees were acknowledged, before Sophie Heitfield presented the results of the Promotional Video contest, and Mr. Wegenhart announced the results of the National Committee election and recognized the retiring members of the Committee. With yet another round of the spirit prizes given, the meeting was adjourned after closing remarks were given by Zhikai Huang of Georgia.

This evening looked a bit different from the rest as Competitive Certamen finals were quickly played before the NJCL brought their staple “Let’s Go Stage Crew” chant to Thompson-Boling Arena for That’s Entertainment!.