Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 11

CONVENTION RECAP · Fall 2024 · Torch: U.S.


2024 Convention recap

By Jenny Chen, 2023-2024 NJCL Editor

The second morning began bright and early for those who looked to participate in Olympika Track and Field. Delegates also busied themselves with Ludi Chess, English Oratory, or the second Academics contest session. In the afternoon, the first spirit session “Titans and Tunics: State T-Shirt Day” commenced as JCLers flooded Thompson-Boling Arena in the various colors of their state t-shirts for fifteen thrilling minutes before the strike of the gavel ended the competition and started General Assembly II. Opening remarks were given by TJ Chisholm of Florida, before Lilia AitSahlia entertained the crowd by reading the minutes of General Assembly I, as the motioned to dispense the minutes failed. Mr. Michael Cowett, NGE Chair Emeritus, and Ms. Patty Lister, NLE Co-Chair, acknowledged the achievements of the test takers of their respective exams. The first Silver Bowls of the convention were also presented during this General Assembly for those who have attended 20 NJCL conventions, these ones to Heather Austin of Florida and Clint Hagen of Texas. Following this, a maximum of two delegates from each state, dressed in inflatable flamingo costumes, decked out in cowboy hats, and other accessories, presented roll call. There was then a slew of awards presented: Social Media Contest, Creative Writing Contest, Publications Contest, Photo of the Month, Club of the Month, and Activities Contest. Alden Okoh-Aduako gave one more election update and NJCL Second Vice President Natalie Allen announced the winners of the first set of spirit prizes and gave an update on Coin Craze, which started the previous day, before Yoyo Li of California closed the General Assembly with her Closing Remarks.

After General Assembly, Ludi Kickball made a return to convention after a hiatus, while the second Colloquia session commenced, those interested in performing in That’s Entertainment auditioned, and Natalie Allen led the first sessions of service. At the Alumni Memorial Building, the election process officially kicked off with the Nominations Committee meeting. In the evening, the students competed in the second round of Competitive Certamen, adults, SCLers, and slashers competed in the first round of World Series of Certamen, and the NJCL officers hosted the second round of mixers — one for meeting and greeting the officers and the other centered around diversity. Agora happened once again in the Student Union and so did the first dance “KaraSmokey Hokey Pokey”. The day concluded as usual, with fellowships, then followed by the walks back to the dorms before curfew.

Wednesday began similarly to Tuesday, but this time with the Marathon instead. Ludi Chess also continued and Creative Arts enthusiasts competed in Sight Latin, while voting delegates gathered for the Amendments Committee Meeting.