Torch: U.S. LXXIV Fall 2024 | Page 13

2024 NJCL CONVENTION RECAP · Fall 2024 · Torch: U.S.


The final morning of convention started much like the last few days: a competition of athletics — this time soccer. Some delegates also went to the awards assembly, while some prepared for Competitive Certamen finals. It was also during this time when the Open Certamen competition occurred. Friday was host to the final day of spirit “There’s No Place Like Rome: State’s Choice Day”, where a spirit spotlight was held as states got to what each state was like individually during spirit each day. Then, when General Assembly V started, Hana Conte of Ohio opened with her remarks, before Tony Martin of Indiana was presented with his Silver Platter to honor attending 40 NJCL Conventions. The fifth and final General Assembly always has a mountain of awards to present and this time they included ones for Ludi, Agon, Open Certamen, Competitive Certamen, Top Achievements by contests categories, Academic Decathlon, Overall Sweepstakes, and the Lillie B. Hamiltons. In the midst of this, Ms. Kubichek also announced that Dr. Ron Roessler of Wisconsin was this year’s Maxima Cum Laude Chaperone. Natalie Allen then announced the final round of sprit awards, the overall awards, and also the final results of Coin Craze. Following, with just a few tears shed, the 2023-2024 NJCL officers gave their farewell remarks, before the new board was sworn, and 2024-2025 NJCL President LiliaAitSahlia gave her inaugural address including the all important information of next year’s convention theme: “Non scholae, sed vitae discimus.” “We learn not for school, but for life” adapted from Seneca the Younger. The torch was then passed from the TJCL to the OJCL as they welcomed the NJCL to the 72nd NJCL Convention, held at Miami University.

For one last time the sunset for convention goers and as the Knoxville sunset faded, the remainder of the World Series of certamen was played, while other went to the farewell dance “Tennessee See You Later” before making the last treks to fellowship and back.

Tempus fugit! Time went way too fast in a whole week, and it was time for difficult goodbyes and see you laters for next year’s convention. This convention was special for so many, for those experiencing it for the first time, receiving an award to recognize their long time attendance, or high school and college seniors embarking on the next chapter of their lives. To the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, we say gratias et valete. This week of our summer was unforgettable and surely the NJCL will miss the Smokey statues, orange wristbands, and ice cream freezers. A huge thank you to the NJCL Executive Board, the TJCL, and the University of Tennesee, Knoxville again for making this week so special and we can’t wait to see every in Ohio next year!