Fall 2023 · Torch: U.S. · CONVENTION RECAP
retirement of the ever-snazzy Catherine Sturgill from the committee. Afterwards, the NJCL Officers announced their successors, and Todd Wegenhart announced NJCL Scholarship results. Two more silver bowls were presented to Martha Pearlman of New Jersey and Ryan Vinson of Tennessee, and longtime convention attendees were recognized. NJCL First Vice President Rupert Chen then recognized the Promotional Video Contest results, followed by a stunning presentation from the NJCL Chorus. Following the day’s spirit results, Jacqueline Huang of Texas gave closing remarks.
The academics continued through dinnertime as the Competitive Certamen semifinals drew a large crowd of JCLers after dinner. The crowd of people then migrated to the entrance of WoodPEC for the 2023 installment of That’s Entertainment!, waiting outside the doors for over half an hour. Featuring amazing acts of singing, dancing, and beatboxing flute as well as skits about Barbie and Spiderman, That’s Entertainment! returned the missing silver bowls and again exceeded expectations
presented the Summa and Maxima Cum Laude winners, and the NJCL Contest Chairs presented the top achievement awards. Yet more awards were then given out, starting with the Academic Decathlon awards, overall sweepstakes awards, and the Lillie B. Hamilton awards. NSCL President Elizabeth Foster then gave the NSCL Report and inaugurated the 2023-2024 NSCL Board. Hena Allaqaband then announced the T-Shirt Contest and Overall Spirit awards before all the officers gave their farewell speeches, and the 2023-2024 NJCL Board was inaugurated. 2023-2024 NJCL President Krish Sharma then gave his address to the convention, introducing the year’s new theme: Multa, quae impedita natura sunt, consilio expediuntur. "Many things, which are naturally difficult, are solved by ingenuity Livy, Histories, XXV.11. At this point, there was only one item of business left in convention: the passing of the torch. With a warm welcome, the TJCL invited us all to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for the 2024 NJCL Convention, and the meeting closed after one last round of the NJCL Song.