session, featuring a cooking session and a manuscript museum. Anticipating spirit, states filed into WoodPEC early after lunch with their bee props, eagle wings, and car-related themes for State T-Shirt Day, “Fly Like an Eagle, Sting Like a Bee.” An exhilarating fifteen minutes later, the second general assembly commenced with three strikes of the gavel, and opening remarks were given by Alexandra and Emma Hulse of Louisiana. Thankfully, at this general assembly, a motion passed to dispense of reading the minutes. Following that, the NLE and NGE results were announced, and silver bowls for attending 20 NJCL Conventions were awarded to Karyn Green of Massachusetts and Jim Westcot of Georgia. Eagerly anticipating more spirit, states then sent their representatives to the stage for Roll Call, where there were too many Barbenheimer skits to count and several animal costumes on stage. Following this, Joe Giambrone gave parliamentary announcements and Hena Allaqaband awarded spirit prizes for the day. Closing remarks were given by Jameson Sheehy of South Carolina, and the meeting adjourned early.
Not eager to face the afternoon heat, delegates trickled slowly out of the WoodPEC back to the Student Union, Nominations Committee, and to Ludi Basketball. Later on, others auditioned for That’s Entertainment! and others headed to dinner, the mixers, and the second round of Certamen, which unfortunately conflicted with the Get Fizzy-cal! dance and the ever-iconic Pandora’s Breakout Box. After this long day, students still had to make their way to fellowships and back to the dorms before curfew, a long walk made no easier by the events of the day.
Similarly as the prior day, the third day of convention began with a grueling early start for Marathon, Sight Latin, and Ludi Chess participants. After an invigorating Amendments Committee Meeting, the third contest and colloquia sessions began along with the second service project session, which was so successful that the following session was cancelled. After a visit from the Emory Farmers’ Market, JCLers went to Meet the Candidates before heading to the WoodPEC for propless spirit, “Atalanta Takes the (Purple and) Gold,” featuring a sea of purple shirts and the return of Wisconsin’s “Milk” cheer. As the third general assembly began, Nico Ulrich of Kentucky gave the opening remarks. All was well until the motion to dispense with the minutes failed, and Shriya Mahakala began the veritable Ciceronean speech that was the minutes of GA II.
Following this, silver bowls were presented to Paul De of Virginia, Bennett Henkel of North arolina, Megan Silver of Florida, and Sid Davis of North
Dakota, but to everyone’s shock and horror, the bowls were missing. However, the assembly continued and candidates for NJCL office gave their speeches before Todd Wegenhart presented the Creative Writing Contest results and Activities Contest results. After that, NJCL Editor Monet Shum presented the State and Local Publications Contest Results, NJCL Publications Chair Trace Turner presented the Social Media Contest Awards, NJCL Historian Karen Dong presented the State and Local Scrapbook awards and the Photo of the Month awards, and Hena Allaqaband presented the Club of the Month results. After all these results, Hena presented the most anticipated results of the day, the spirit updates. To many cheers, this long general assembly ended with closing remarks from Wali Khan.
Afterwards, students could refresh by going to Impromptu art, the fourth colloquia session, or even Academic Decathlon. Others participated in Ludi Volleyball, including a valiant but futile showing from the NJCL Officers. Shortly after, the third round of Certamen began, and JCLers could also go view the Graphic Arts and scrapbooks. Later on in the evening, students could attend Agon, the “Go Nuts!” dance, and the last day of Agora before heading to State Fellowship.
Ultimate Frisbee was a well anticipated event, despite being so early on the fourth day of convention. Afterwards, JCLers eagerly queued for the petting zoo, including goats, ducks, and bunnies, and also attended Kottabos, a VR Greek party game. This morning, the fourth contest session also began, and the fifth colloquia session did as well. Candidates’ Open Forum followed shortly after, with states going to voting fellowship immediately afterward. Soon, delegations headed to the WoodPEC for the second-ever DIY spirit session; having had three days to work on props, they didn’t disappoint.
The fourth general assembly then opened with remarks from Riya Singh of Wisconsin followed by the results of the National Committee elections by Chair David Jackson, who also recognized the