Green , Blue , and Open Spaces
Enhance Access and Use of Green Space by Providing More Open and Natural Areas for Protection
The Town entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Jupiter Inlet District to share costs on the purchase , maintenance and enhancement of the 500 North Delaware Boulevard property , also known as the “ Taylor Property .” A use and management plan is in the development phase and the removal of exotics on the property will begin early 2023 .
Improve the Water Quality in the Loxahatchee River
The first phase of the Sawfish Bay Marine Restoration project ( for more information , see page 18 ) was completed in late 2022 . In addition to protecting seagrass and encouraging the growth of a marine habitat , the project is also aimed at improving water quality .
Aerial view of the open space property at 500 N . Deleware Boulevard in Jupiter .
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