TIME AFTER TIME. One. | Page 42

 I think that a lot of the stuff you did with the Fat Whites was quite political. There was a lot of political satire if anything. ‘Goodbye Goebels’ was a love letter from Hitler for example. Do you think you would ever venture into writing something of that nature about Trump? – I’m sure you’d have plenty to say.

Right now I’m writing much more personal stuff. I’m focusing on London; specifically, the outskirts of London. Insecure Men make suburban music for the apocalypse so Trump might find his way into a song but I don’t think the Fat Whites were ever a straight down the middle political band and I certainly don’t think we had or tried to take any moral high ground. 

What do you think of Trump as a political figure? Do you actually think he has a leg to stand on?

I think Donald Trump is a disaster obviously... but the way I see it the future was canceled out a long time ago and now we just have to sit back and watch the end of the world unfold slowly before our eyes. Its an amazing thing. We live in utterly hopeless times... the human race is mentally ill and our leaders are representative of our deep sickness as a species. A lot of people want Trump, Brexit and Le Pen and all that. The leftwing has totally failed to tap into the desires and fears of normal working people. I have no idea how its going to unfold but I’m sure its going to interesting. 

I think its pretty clear that a lot of people weren’t taking him seriously to start with and aren’t even now. It’s as if he’s a bit of a joke that’s gone too far almost. Do you see it that way?

He wasn’t taken seriously by the press or by young people, middle class people, intellectual people. But he was serious. I’m not sure what was spin and what was not. But despite all the obstacles he is now president... so someone’s done their job somewhere along the line.

"I think Donald Trump is a disaster obviously... but the way I see it the future was canceled out a long time ago and now we just have to sit back and watch the end of the world unfold slowly before our eyes."