Did you join any of the anti-trump protests? (About Theresa May refusing to address the ban on refugees)
I didn’t join any protests. if it makes people feel better then I’m all for it. For real change people have to be out protesting every single day for that to even have a small chance of that occurring. Its a symbolic thing and I get that but sadly it just doesn’t make any difference.
Would you say that we’re entering very dangerous territory with Theresa May forming this sort of… as she would put it; ‘special relationship’ with Trump and the US.
Yes, we are entering dangerous territory. But that’s nothing new. The whole thing is sick to the core.
So the focus of this issue is 2016 and the idea that there was a sort of curse or trend of terrible things happening. Would you say that there was anything in particular that affected you? Bowies death, Brexit? Anything like that?
Certainly not anyone’s death. I think these contrived public outpourings of mourning when celebrities die are an interesting thing. Its just another spectacle. I guess it offers a chance to focus on something else other than genocide and the coming apocalypse but I can’t say that any of it had any real impact on me. People die... the fact that all of our heroes were born in the 40s ad 50s means they are all going to be dead soon enough. Its been an eventful year politically. I don’t expect things to ease off... its going to be wild!
What can we expect from you in 2017? Do you have anything lined up?
I have the Insecure Men record out and the next Warmduscher album coming out... plus a few other musical projects. Possibly a split 7 inch with a band called Sleaze…songs about Operation Yew Tree. Lots of stuff.
"Its been an eventful year politically. I don’t expect things to ease off... its going to be wild!"