Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 27
geometry was designed and manufactured using algorithm-
aided parametric 3D design methods in order to achieve the
required precision. The appearance of the façade will develop
over the years towards a deeper, richer version of its initial hue.
The design of the building envelope is intrinsic to the passive
energy approach adopted by the project team. Detailed analysis
of the façade performance has informed the environmental
solutions and has allowed the team to minimise the requirement
for mechanical environmental control systems, which facilitates
the highly flexible architectural solution. The glass facades allow
for large amounts of functional daylight in the public areas,
reducing the use of artificial light and enhancing the quality of
the interior spaces as a multifunctional citizen’s forum.
The carefully planned placement and optimisation of building
services has enabled the flexibility of the spatial
arrangements. All public levels of the building are equipped
with access floors to allow for changes in use during the
estimated 150-year life span of the building.
The library building will be extremely energy efficient. Its
energy consumption level is that of a nearly Zero Energy
Building (nZEB). This is mostly due to the efficiency of the
building services. The material efficiency of the building has
benefitted, among other things, from the use of wood in the
exterior cladding.
Building information modelling was used in both architectural
and engineering design, as well as in checking the
compatibility of the designs. Building information model will
also be utilised for maintenance.
The budget for the project was EUR98-mil and took just under
three years to complete. The library is expected to attract
10 000 visitors per day and 2.5 million visitors per year. The
library was crowned winners of the Helsinki library
The flooring of the library was made from timber.
The library offers various services alongside an abundance of lounge spaces and auxiliary services within the building.
// DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020