Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 28

LOCAL PROJECT A courtyard like no other The completed courtyard pergola for the mosque. By Dineo Phoshoko All images by Amoretti Designs Places of worship often provide people with an opportunity to gather and share a common religious devotion to a higher being. Some places of worship add to the feeling of sacredness to offer visitors, due to the design and architecture. The Houghton Masjid is a case in point. L ocated on 45 West Street, Houghton, Johannesburg, the outside of the mosque is symbolised by two towers, known as minarets. Mohamad Ally, supervising architect of Muhammad Mayet Architects + Urban Designers explains 26 DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020 // that the site overlooks the M1 motorway and is revealed as one approaches from either the north or from downtown Johannesburg – making the building a dominant landmark framed by the Houghton ridge beyond. www.timberiq.co.za