Timber iQ December 2019 - January 2020 // Issue: 47 | Page 26

INTERNATIONAL PROJECT The library will enliven and diversify the new urban environment created in the Töölönlahti area. It will offer activities and experiences for all ages. There will be plenty of spaces that enable people to gather and spend time together, free of charge. The role of the library’s clients will evolve from passive media users to active agents, participants and content producers. As a non-commercial open public space, the new Central Library will act as Helsinki residents’ common living room, workspace and learning environment. TECHNICAL DETAILS Oodi’s spatial concept, based on three individual public floors, is executed by building the library as an inhabited, asymmetrical bridge spanning over 100m over the open ground floor space. The bridge structure, consisting of steel trusses and beams, is supported by two massive steel arches, tensioned together with a reinforced concrete tension slab. The innovative structural solution has enabled both the construction of the flexible column-free interior spaces and the possibility for the construction of a future road tunnel under the site. Secondary steel trusses support the cantilevering balcony and roof canopy asymmetrically from the arch structure, forming a unique structural design to accommodate both permanent and temporary functions for both the library and the public realm. Oodi has been built using local materials and with local climate conditions in mind. The wooden façade is made from prefabricated elements. Finnish high-quality spruce, which is 33mm thick, was used for the cladding. A specific grading and quality control system was developed for the timber, the sawing and the treatment of the slats. The complex curved The top floor of the library overlooking the children’s library. 24 DECEMBER 2019 / JANUARY 2020 // www.timberiq.co.za