Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 7

A hush fell over the crowd . For a moment , there was silence , until gasps of awe rippled through the onlookers . A majestic white horse made its way up the cobblestone path , its hooves clipping and clopping rhythmically . Draped in blue silk , trimmed with gold , the horse was a vision of royal elegance . Silver-studded leather reins sparkled with gems , but it was the rider who truly captured every gaze .
Seated tall and confident , the king was robed in a regal display of velvet , fur , silk , and cashmere . His finely trimmed beard framed a face of striking strength , with chiseled jaw and firm cheeks . Upon his brow rested a golden crown , a diadem of simple elegance . His eyes , sharp with wisdom and intent , swept over his loyal subjects , and as they met his gaze , joy surged through the crowd . His lips curled into a warm , approving smile .
The king had come .
Yom T ’ ruah , or the Feast of Trumpets , is often linked with the announcement of the coming of the King Messiah and His coronation over Israel and the nations . In celebration , we eat special round challot , symbolizing the circular shape of a royal crown .
There ' s something deeply stirring about the arrival and coronation of a good and righteous king , whether in books or movies . This imagery points to a greater truth : Messiah Yeshua will one day take His rightful place on the throne of Jerusalem , establishing justice and peace for the whole world .
Revelation 19 offers one depiction of the Messiah ’ s return . Verse 16 declares , *“ On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written : KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS .” Earlier , in Revelation 17:14 , we are assured , *“ They will wage war against the Lamb , but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings — and with him will be his called , chosen and faithful followers .”
I ’ ve made it my goal to be among those “ faithful followers ,” preparing the way for the King through my life . Will you join me ? Here are a few ways we can prepare the way for the King :
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