Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 8

2 . Holiness and Godliness Yes , the world is filled with evil , and things may get worse before they are made right for eternity . But we are called to live in confidence and faith , not fear .
The Apostle Peter urges us to remain steadfast , preparing for and hastening the coming of the Lord . In 2 Peter 3:10- 12 , we are reminded that the “ day of the Lord will come like a thief ,” and that we are to live in holiness and godliness as we await His return .
Holiness means being set apart from the world ’ s ways , thinking , and behaviors . When people look at you , they should see someone distinct from those serving the “ kingdoms of this world .”
1 . Gossip the Gospel Sharing our faith in Yeshua doesn ’ t need to be as difficult as we have made it . When we are excited about good news , we naturally share it with friends , family , coworkers , and neighbors — like spreading the latest gossip . The Kingdom invitation is about getting right with God and restoring everything marred by sin .
The joy of your salvation should lead you to invite others to share in that joy and introduce them to the King . As Yeshua said , the “ Gospel of the Kingdom must be proclaimed to the whole world before the end will come .” ( Matt . 24:14 ) If we long for Yeshua ’ s return as King , we must participate in the work of proclamation . Let us “ make way for the King !”
Yet , while separated from the world , you are called to godliness — demonstrating God ’ s nature , character , and power to those around you . We are not only to declare God ’ s Kingdom but to display it through our lives .
3 . Pray for Revival in Israel and the Nations The salvation of Israel is intertwined with the fullness of the nations . Whether this fullness refers to a specific number or the quality and effectiveness of the body of believers , we are called to pursue revival through prayer and repentance . Yom T ’ ruah is a day to blow the trumpets , warning of impending judgment and calling people to repentance . The days between Yom T ’ ruah and Yom Kippur ( the Day of Atonement ) serve as a symbolic season of grace — time to beckon people to return to the Lord .