Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 26

If you have not read the previous two articles over the past two months , you will want to do so to get the fullest understanding of this final article . As I mentioned in those articles , Deuteronomy 5 , 6 , & 7 have all the pieces together provided by Moses . Here is a milestone passage in Deuteronomy 7 for understanding Adonai ’ s choosing of Israel .
“ For you are a holy people to Adonai your God — from all the peoples on the face of the earth , Adonai your God has chosen you to be His treasured people . It is not because you are more numerous than all the peoples that Adonai set His love on you and chose you — for you are the least of all peoples . Rather , because of His love for you and His keeping the oath He swore to your fathers , Adonai brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery , from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt . Know therefore that Adonai your God , He is God — the faithful God who keeps covenant kindness for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His mitzvot , but repays those who hate Him to their face , to annihilate them . He will not hesitate with him who hates Him ; He will repay him to his face .” - Deuteronomy 7:6-10 ( TLV )
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