Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 27

Deuteronomy 9:4-6 also explains that it is not because of Israel ’ s righteousness , but rather the wickedness of the nations they are dispossessing and in order for Adonai to keep His word to Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob .
Just as Adonai ’ s basis for choosing Israel was not based on their righteousness or anything about them , so our moral basis for supporting Israel is not because they are a moral , wise , courageous or a blessed people . The moral basis for supporting Israel is purely because Adonai chose them . The foundation of all morality is Adonai — the Creator of all things . The basis for loving Israel is the love of Adonai and His righteousness , deeds , exploits , and wise choices — including Israel and the Jews . Suffice to say , the hatred of Israel and the Jews starts with hatred of Adonai Himself !
As a student of the Book of Proverbs , I do not use the word ‘ foolish ’ lightly , but I can say confidently that it is utterly foolish for anyone to claim to believe in the God of the Bible — the God of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob with Yeshua as His Son and Messiah — while cursing or in any way deliberately bringing harm to Israel or the Jews in general .
In the previous two articles I expounded on some of the deeper moral issues which the 10 Commandments concentrate on , yet at this point I will demonstrate how claiming belief in the God of the Bible but opposing Israel specifically violates all 10 Commandments — whether those who carry such beliefs realize it or not !
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