Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 22

Therefore , keep in mind that once you — Gentiles in the flesh — were called “ uncircumcision ” by those called “ circumcision ” ( which is performed on flesh by hand ). At that time you were separate from Messiah , excluded from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise , having no hope and without God in the world . But now in Messiah Yeshua , you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah ( Ephesians 2 : 11 – 13 TLV )
The nations , who were far off from God and the promises , have now been brought near and can worship together with Israel through the Blood of the Messiah that makes the two groups one . Paul does not advocate for the taking on of Jewish identity for any Gentile follower of Messiah either or forcing circumcision as a requirement for salvation .
Because of a revelation , I went up and presented to them the Good News that I proclaim among the Gentiles . But I did so privately to those who seemed to be influential , to make sure I would not run — or had not run — in vain . Yet not even Titus who was with me , a Greek , was forced to be circumcised . Now this issue came up because of false brothers secretly brought in ( who slipped in to spy out our freedom in Messiah , in order to bring us into bondage ). But we did not give in to them even for a moment , so that the truth of the Good News might be preserved for you . ( Galatians 2 : 2-5
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