Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 23

Paul ’ s vision of the One New Man is clear – it is a group of Jews and Gentiles brought together to worship the God of Israel through the death and resurrection of Messiah Yeshua . These groups are indeed different , holding different customs , traditions , and ways of life , yet the hostilities that separate them are now destroyed through the Messiah . Paul , however , does realize the innate distinctions of both Jews and non-Jews . These differences are not cast away . Paul rather emphasizes that each group should remain as they are called . Why ? Why does Paul , who argues that “ all are one in Messiah ”, also want us to remain in our calling ? It is because of his deep conviction that each person and nation are called and created by God for a particular purpose . Messiah ’ s death brings forth reconciliation for not only Israel , but the entire world .
As these groups come together , there is mutual blessing , encouragement , as well as the working out of our prophetic destinies ; Israel being the light to the nations , the Gentiles provoking Israel to jealousy , and life from the dead , when all Israel shall be saved .
I pray that the foundation laid here is an encouragement for the renewed vision of the Messianic Gentile and their role in Messianic Jewish space . I will share in an upcoming article the second part of this article where I expound on the practical realities of living out a One New Man Jewish- Gentile congregation .
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