Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 21

Paul and Gentile Identity The uniqueness of our calling leads to a very important second question , what about the predominance of Gentiles within our movement ? Can we be a Messianic “ Jewish ” movement without a strong or majority Jewish contingent ? These questions have often been discussed in a pejorative manner within Messianic circles . I believe that Paul gives us the key here , again in us remaining in our calling :
Only , as the Lord has assigned to each one , as God has called each , let him walk in this way . I give this rule in all of Messiah ’ s communities . Was anyone called when he already had been circumcised ? Let him not make himself uncircumcised . Has anyone been called while uncircumcised ? Let him not allow himself to be circumcised . Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing — but keeping God ’ s commandments matters . Let each one remain in the calling in which he was called . ( 1 Cor . 7:17-20 TLV )
Paul ’ s instruction of circumcision and uncircumcision here is not merely against Judaizing elements of the nascent Church – his use represents the traditional view of circumcision being the physical sign and mark of the covenant to Abraham , and by extension , part of the unique people to which the Torah belongs . Consider Paul ’ s inclusion of Gentiles without becoming Jewish :
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