Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tishrei | October 2024 | Page 20

Cultivating the

Part One

In a previous article , I argued for the continuance of a radical Jewish identity for Jewish believers in the Messiah that is both fiercely loyal to ethnic Israel , as well as holding a clear and outspoken allegiance to the wider Body of Messiah . This view is encapsulated by the following calling for Jewish believers in Messiah : “ Our call is to a radical Jewish identity that sees ourselves within Israel along with radical devotion to our Messiah Yeshua and His community of followers . No other extreme should suffice .”
This call should not be a rejection of “ the dead religious traditions of Judaism ”, nor a wholesale affirmation of Jewish life and full Rabbinic authority with Yeshua sprinkled in . This calling should strengthen and affirm the identity of Jewish believers to maintain witness to Israel that the Jewish Messiah has come , while being a witness to the wider Church that it has not replaced Israel . It also means that we should wrestle , as Jacob wrestled , with how to avoid separatism and inadvertently remove ourselves from the wider Body to be “ authentically Jewish .”