Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tevet | December 2023 | Page 8

One website evaluated the rates of adoption of various technologies by the U . S . populace ,
129 years for the toilet to be adopted by 100 % of US households 120 years for clean drinking water 78 years for the automobile to reach its peak 48 years for electricity 47 years for radio and refrigerator to reach 100 % of homes 25 years for the cell phone to go from 10 % -96 % adoption in 2019 ; BTW , in the U . S ., for every 100 people , there are an average of 125 cell phone subscriptions ! 24 years for the computer to go from 20 % -80 % adoption 23 years for the internet to reach 80 % 14 years for social media to reach 80 % 7 years for the handheld tablet to reach 64 % adoption
https :// www3 . paho . org / ish / index . php / en / decrease-in-the-time-required-for-theadoption-of-technologies #
Here are a few more …
Netflix , the popular DVD sharing and streaming company , took 1,278 days to get 1 million subscribers . In late 2022 , ChatGPT ’ s AI surpassed Netflix by over 250x to amass one million users - 5 days ; by early 2023 , ChatGPT had accumulated over 100 million monthly users .
What was not possible even a decade ago is now within the realm of possibility . The world continues to get smaller as governments , economies , and cultures both influence and clash with one another .
Yet , Yeshua seems to be delayed in His return . Why ?
“ The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise , as some consider slowness . Rather , He is being patient toward you — not wanting anyone to perish , but for all to come to repentance .” 2 Peter 3:9 , TLV
As I considered this verse , I was reminded about a habit that parents display when they want their children to stop an undesirable behavior . We count . When a kid continues misbehaving , the parent will say , “ I ’ m giving you til the count of ‘ 3 ’ to stop . One … Two … aaaaaaaannnnnd thrrrrrrrrreeeeeee .” They draw out the “ three ” to extend the maximum amount of time for the child to stop .
D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 3 • T I K K U N A M E R I C A R E S T O R E | 0 8