I ’ m inspired by the times we are living in . We are now in what many perceive are the final stages of world redemption which will culminate with God ’ s “ restoration of all things ” ( Acts 3:21 ) in the earth . It is as if we are all together on a giant rocket ship headed toward the ultimate destination of human history — the final stage of the rocket has now ignited with the force needed to propel us there .
Since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts , the professing followers of Yeshua grew from roughly 1,000 in Jerusalem to 33 million by 300 AD — 40 % growth per decade . This all occurred before the establishment of an institutional , state sponsored church ! Today , there are an estimated 2 billion professing Christians out of 8 billion people in the world .
It has been 500 years since the Reformation . This year , Israel surpassed 75 years since being founded as a modern nation state .
Things are speeding up . What used to take a long time will now only take a short period of time .
Just like the final stage of a rocket achieves the greatest speeds en route to its final goal , we are experiencing rapid change like never before .
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