It is a time of war and we are at a “ JOSHUA 5 LEVEL !” This is not just an existential struggle for Eretz Israel , but is also for the Body of Messiah , the Ecclesia , for both Jew and Gentile alike .
Just as Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites from the wilderness to the land of Promise , so the Body of Messiah today is called to prepare the way for the return of the Conquering King Yeshua ! I am not here to say when that will occur , it could be tomorrow or in a hundred years , but He will be returning as it is proclaimed in Revelation 19:11-16 , where not as the suffering Messiah but as the “ Prince ” of angel armies with .
“ His eyes like a flame of fire , and many royal crowns on His head … clothed in a robe dipped in blood , and the Name by which He is called ‘ the Word of God ’”.
Everything changed on that Shabbat morning of October 7th , the end of the joyous Sukkot celebration and Shemini Atzeret , a day to celebrate and dance , instead , an unspeakable evil was unleashed on the nation . One season , a season of protest and dissension gave way to a new season in an instant … a season of war .
Ecclesiastes 3:1 ; 8 thus says ,
“ For everything there is a season and a time for every activity under heaven : … a time to love , and a time to hate , time for war and a time for peace .”
So , what is the urgency for us in the Body today ? First of all , as Joshua fell on his face before a Holy Warrior , we are called to be holy as He is holy . As the writer of Hebrews says “ get rid of every weight and entangling sin and let us run the race with endurance , focusing on Yeshua , the initiator and perfecter of faith .” ( Heb . 12:1 ) It is time ( past time !) - to deal with the flesh and world which we have allowed into our lives and communities , and respond to His invitation to abide with Him in holiness ! A desire for holiness will create an environment where intimacy with God , and obedience to do what He says will radically change our lives and the communities we are called to be part of .
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