Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tevet | December 2023 | Page 18

The world-wide shaking that began in 2020 has ramped up to what I call “ JOSHUA 5 Level ”, just like “ DEFCON 1 ” it is the most severe level for military alertness . We all know the story , as Joshua is leading the Israelites , and they are about to enter the Promised Land at Jericho . It had been quite a journey ; 40 years with a lot of detours , disappointments , false reports , stubbornness , and even outright rebellion . That generation is gone , and a new one , not steeped in the fearbased mindsets of the “ good-old days ” of slavery in Egypt , has been circumcised and they are ready to go into the land which God promised . I liken it to the faithful remnant who in the midst of all of the shaking of the last few years have consecrated themselves , some at great cost , and have said , “ Hineni ” to do whatever it takes to see His Kingdom purposes come to pass in our day ! Joshua , a man who knows how to fight and win battles , comes face to face with the “ Prince ” of Adonai ’ s army ( Yeshua ), and is overcome with the holiness of this encounter , and submits to HIS strategies for the upcoming battle .
All through 2023 , Israel had been in upheaval and chaos . Protests in the streets over judicial reform and social justice issues had led to general strikes and governmental gridlock . Internal division , partisan factions and exposure of corruption had brought the nation to a dangerous impasse . In a way , it seemed like Israel had taken their proverbial “ eye off the ball ” and had lost sight of its uniqueness ( see Deuteronomy 7:6 and Romans 9-11 ) in a dangerous neighborhood .
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