Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tevet | December 2023 | Page 20

Secondly , to get to a “ Joshua 5 Level ,” to accomplish the Great Commission and to see the nations , especially Israel , reached with the Good News of Yeshua , we need to glorify the Messiah by walking in John 17 unity in our communities , cities and regions . We are involved in a state-wide initiative here in Colorado involving church and ministry leaders to see this state come into revival . In the last year , there has been incredible openness and revelation to the scriptural imperative to pray for the Spiritual and physical restoration of Israel and the Jewish people ! It has become a priority in our weekly gatherings to pray for the land and the people of Israel , and that is a key to revival in our region , and also for Yeshua ’ s return . How is this happening ?
We have grown from relating as leaders to loving one another as dear brothers and sisters , serving each other in genuine ‘ koinonia .’ and regularly coming to Yeshua ’ s table in genuine humility . All of this to fulfill what Yeshua prayed ,
“… that they may be perfected in unity , so that the world may know that You sent Me and loved them as You loved Me .” ( John 17:23 )
This is a season of great kingdom advancement in a time of global chaos and upheaval . Yet , as we move forward as the “ Joshua 5 Army ,” King Yeshua will have His victory !
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