It ' s not a pride thing , instead it is a remembrance thing as God so often calls us to remember His promises . Since God is Eternal and sets an Eternal covenant with the Jewish people , we need to remember what He has taken us out of , and as a people , to remember where we are going . God has many promises to restore them . To restore them to Himself . To restore them to His blessings which He has for them and to restore them to their land in peace .
For this , Hosea 2:14 is a prophetic decree of how God is going to work out her restoration ,
“ Therefore , behold , I am going to persuade her , bring her into the wilderness , and speak kindly to her .” ( CSB )
So often the way God does things is not the way we think He will do them . Therefore , we need to be watchful , or we will miss what God is doing . So often God deals with us in a way that we don ’ t understand and yet we feel drawn . This is what God says concerning Israel - He will bring her into a desert place . The desert is not normally a place of blessing and it ’ s there that He will speak tenderly to her . In Hebrew , the word here is that will speak to her heart . Isn ’ t that a beautiful expression of God ’ s love !
You know it ’ s not always easy for God to speak to our hearts . Our hearts are sometimes closed , not responsive . So , God has to work in our lives and bring about situations in life where He can get our attention . He therefore brings Israel into the desert so He can speak to her heart . He leads her into the desert and once He has their attention , He speaks ,
“ Then I will give her vineyards from there , and the Valley of Achor as a door of hope . And she will [ respond there as in the days of her youth , As in the day when she went up from the land of Egypt .” ( Hosea 2:15 , CSB )
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