At the March for Israel Rally on November 14 , 2023 in Washington D . C ., we saw nearly 300,000 mostly Jews who had gathered . The feeling of unity was powerful and strong . At the Rally , I felt the Holy Spirit several times and wept at one point , but it was partly because there was a deep longing in my spirit that my people , who are most well acquainted with suffering and pain and don ' t know the Lord yet !
When I look back to the lives of the ones who have survived things like the Holocaust , I feel deeply connected with the sentiment “ Am Yisra ’ el Chai .” When I saw the faces of the Jewish people at the Rally , I felt “ l know you ,” I know you deeply , because I know your suffering and pain . I know your heartache .” It ’ s embedded in the fabric of the people .
The Jewish people are the most persecuted people in history . From the Book of Esther , down through all the centuries , there have been repeated attempts to destroy them . Yet , they remain a distinct people group with a homeland . It is miraculous and this miracle is only because of God ’ s Eternal covenant with them .
In Messianic Judaism , we exalt and celebrate the name of Yeshua ( Jesus ) as God ’ s eternal sacrifice for us and for the Jewish people , but we also live in this tension in thinking “ God , how are you going to do this ?” - knowing full well , as a nation that they do not recognize Him ( Yeshua ) as such . Only you , Lord , can set yourself in the inward part of the hearts of men and women .
These things are too lofty for us to understand and yet God works mysteriously behind the scenes as a master chess player . He is moving chess pieces and is putting things into position .
I am reminded of God ’ s eternal covenant with the Jewish people , that they are designed for Him and for His glory and ultimately will lead to the full knowledge of Yeshua , “… and so Israel will be saved ”. ( Romans 11:26 )
We also see this clearly in Genesis 17:7 stating ,
“ I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come , to be your God and the God of your descendants after you .” ( NIV )
Am Yisra ’ el Chai .
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