I have seen that in my own personal life where God has been so patient with me . If He ’ s that patient with a nation , don ’ t you think He will be patient with us ? I believe that . It wasn ’ t too long ago that I went through what some might call “ a dark night of the soul ” and it really felt like I was in a desert place . I was so dry , I felt barren , like nothing good could come from me but it was there that God drew me in , spoke to my heart and when He did , I did not return the same .
This is the purpose of God and the revelation that He wants to give to us as seen , continuing in verse 16 ,
“ And it will come about on that day ,” declares the Lord , “ That you will call Me my husband , and no longer call Me my Ba ’ al .” ( servant )
In the first covenant , it was like a marriage covenant , but God was more like a master in the relationship . This didn ’ t really translate to a heart commitment , on a deep-personal level . But , when God says , I will restore you , Israel will not come back the same with the same level of revelation . She will come back higher because God is always leading us onward and upward . It will be like a husband , but with tenderness and love in her heart .
God wants to bring us all , Israel included , to a place where she is at the end of her confidence in her own knowledge , strength , or ability .
That ’ s a death . To me , it seems like Israel is going through a death . But we need to go through death to get to the resurrection . The Valley of Achor becomes a door of hope . That is a full revelation and gives prophetic meaning to the words ,
Am Yisra ’ el Chai !
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