Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tamuz | July 2024 | Page 7

God sends Yeshua , His only son and essence of His being into the world . Yeshua is nurtured and discipled over the course of 30 years before starting His ministry . His purpose — to reveal the Father and restore relationship to His own people , Israel . He travels throughout Israel on foot , hiking on rocky , dusty roads in scorching heat , all to proclaim to Israel that God ’ s Kingdom has come and is available for all now !
For three years , he pours out everything He has and everything He is for the sake of revealing God ’ s love for them and the path of redemption . He heals the sick , gives sight to the blind , inspires the hopeless , and comforts the needy .
And what is His reward ? His own family starts to question if he is crazy . His hometown labels him a false prophet , and his closest disciples cower away from him in His darkest hours . The leaders of Israel accuse and judge him falsely . He is spat upon , hit , mocked , brutally whipped and mistreated by His own people . Finally , after carrying a cumbersome crossbeam for His own crucifixion , He was nailed to the wood , bloody and disfigured , raised up for everyone to gasp and gawk – shamed , dejected , and pitiful . He didn ’ t deserve any of this .
What is His response ? “ Father , forgive them , for they know not what they do !” Really ? The King of the World doesn ’ t call down angels from heaven nor scorch them to a crisp with fire from His mouth ?
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