Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tamuz | July 2024 | Page 8

Yeshua knew he could have ! Remember that Yeshua told Peter after He cut off the centurion ' s ear , “ Don ’ t you know that I can ask my Father , and He will instantly provide more than a dozen armies of angels to help me ?” ( Matt . 26:52 ). Rather He cries out to His Father in mercy toward them ! It is the greatest model of humility and sacrificial love in all of history before or since .
Unless you can gain a picture of what Yeshua endured for us — the rejection , the delayed gratification of justice , the depth of the humiliation — you may seek to justify your lack of humility when others mistreat you . But Yeshua ’ s response after all He suffered was one of love . Can you see the power of humility ? For Yeshua , the ultimate Highway to Holiness was the Low-way of Humility . It was only then that He undeniably validated His claim to the title Name Above All Names !
But I would ask you , is humility the character trait you most admire about Yeshua ? It may not be the first trait to which we aspire . But this often unappreciated quality became the tectonic and eruptive virtue that sealed Yeshua ’ s atoning work , demolishing the barriers that prevent you and me from entering into paradise with our loving Creator .
Humility is giving up your right to be right !
I used to get in some tremendous fights with my boss back when I worked in a
small aerospace company up in Maryland . There were many times when I felt my knowledge and skills were beyond her , that I could do things more efficiently and effectively . Yet , the more I pushed on issues and fought for my right to be right , the more our relationship was strained . The sour relationship was not something I wanted . We were both frustrated . Eventually , I had a change of heart , intentionally minimizing what I contended for and the tone that I communicated . I didn ’ t continue debating . I respectfully supported her , fully engaging in making the task a success for her , even though I thought it wasn ’ t optimal . Months later , she came to me and told me how much she respected me for supporting her . Not only that , but she admitted that my
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