Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 32

Without the interpretations of miracles , we do not have sufficient revelation of God . We find that God is a God of love , who seeks to give people eternal life . He brings them into a loving community . However , He is a God of declared righteous standards and judgment for those who will not submit to God ’ s Lordship and the Lordship of Yeshua . The God who heals the sick , cleanses the lepers and raises the dead , also says that we are to live in fidelity in our marriages , raise our children in the faith , care for the poor and widows , and extend the Kingdom in sharing the Gospel . He confirms the universal standards of the Torah for all people . ( Matthew 5:16-19 ) The history of God ’ s miracles in the Bible is our narrative theology , or our theology is narrative . The history after the Bible is the story of the continued advance of the Gospel . This is why a true biblical theology is a charismatic theology . Isn ’ t it wonderful to live in a day of miracles ?
We foster this kind of Gospel of the Kingdom movement in Israel . Our new Bible College will be a school that teaches and fosters supernatural miraculous Gospel of the Kingdom movement in Israel .
Note on Other Religions
Some have argued that the supernatural in other religions undercuts the uniqueness and superiority of Biblical faith .
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