Many have responded to this argument . One is the great Biblical Theology scholar Dr . Craig Keener in his aforementioned , massive two volume Miracles , The Credibility of New Testament Miracles .
In evaluating other religions , we need to distinguish the intellectual philosophers of other religions from normal practitioners . They are thinkers on speculative ideas on the nature of reality . Many normal practices of religions are much more about traditions , worship , sacrifices , rituals , and occult practices . The supernatural elements of other religions are though the practitioners of the occultic arts , shaman , witch doctors , etc . This is true in India , China , South America , and Africa . With auto suggestion and through the occultic arts there are healings of diseases and other manifestations . However , I would respond as follows to the argument .
The amazing character of the miracles done in the name of Yeshua in the progress of the Gospel are of a different order of power and quality . The blind see , the deaf hear , organs are recreated , limbs grown out . This oftentimes is instantaneous and not a result of ritual processes . The level of some of the miracles is much more stupendous . Reading the Gospels gives a sense of the same kind of miracles happening today . I compare the occult supernatural in other religions like a crimped garden house that yields a trickle of water to a fire hose .
When the Gospel comes to these other lands and occult practitioners are confronted , they often lose their power and can no longer access the spirits that give them power . They have been bound in the name of Yeshua , but they cannot bind the power of the Christian or Messianic preachers !
The Biblical miracles are in a context of confirming the preaching of the Gospel and lead to an opening for the recipient to embrace the Biblical narratives of miracle and interpretation . There is no parallel in other religions to God breaking into this world and doing wondrous things and then prophets interpreting the meaning with an ultimate worldview being implied .
So the argument against Biblical miracles and miracles today among those who believe the Bible is not a credible argument .
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