Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 31

The theology of the New Testament , the books themselves , are the teaching of the Spirit through apostolic writers given their foundational credibility by the miraculous as a foundation for belief . Yes , the lofty nature of the teaching does give it credibility as well .
The First Centuries of Progress after the death of John the Apostle
This continues into the next two centuries after the death of John the last of the twelve apostles . It is the key to the growth of the early Church ( Messianic community ). It continued into the fourth century . After this the miraculous was not as frequent but never ceased . Ramsey McMullen , a noted Yale historian of the Roman Empire ,
J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 4 • T I K K U N A M E R I C A R E S T O R E | 3 1 wrote an amazing book , Christianizing the Roman Empire , where he argued that Christianity progressed and overcame paganism largely through the plethora of miracles through this period . Its miraculous power was demonstrated as far beyond that of paganism . One can doubt that the miracles really happened , but this is the testimony of the people who provided the records from those days .
The Testimony Today , the Story Continues
The testimony today is that on the cutting edge of the extension of the Gospel of the Kingdom in much of the world , especially southern Global Christianity , the same pattern of miracles continues . We are seeing a return to the biblical pattern of miracles being a key to the extension of the Kingdom . The writings of Dr . Craig Keener in his Miracles , two volumes of amazing documentation in almost 1,000 pages , shows that this is key to the progress of the Gospel . Signs and Wonders are key to the conversion of the peoples of the nations all over the world . God shows Himself in the miraculous and His evangelists interpret these miracles . God still heals the sick and casts out demons through His emissaries . He still raises the dead . Miracles today are not the context for new revelation that is authoritative , but instead confirms the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom and the authority of the Bible as our foundational book for how we are to believe and how we are to live .