Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 30

The flood and the deliverance of God has miraculous features . Its meaning is interpreted by God ’ s prophetic words to Noah . The call of Abraham and Sarah ’ s pregnancy is a miracle . God speaks to Abraham and gives him understanding of this miracle . The plagues and the Exodus from Egypt are miraculous . Moses and Aaron interpret these events . Then there is miraculous provision in the desert . The miracles continue in the phenomena at Sinai . The miracles are the context for giving the Mosaic constitution , Exodus through Deuteronomy . They prepare the way to accept God ’ s word , a constitution for the nation of Israel . Jericho ’ s walls fell down , a miracle . Jehoshaphat is sent with worshipers and the invading armies kill one another . ( II Chron . 20:18-23 ) Isaiah confronts the prophets of Ba ’ al on Mount Carmel and God reveals Himself in the miracle ( I Kings 18 ). We know who God is and what He is like through His miraculous interventions and the interpretation of these events by the prophets . God is known by the biblical narrative of the people of Israel and the history of their history of miracles and their interpretation .
The Ministry of Yeshua on Earth
With the coming of the New Covenant , the fulfillment of prophecy itself is sometimes miraculous and is interpreted prophetically .
The progress of the ministry of Yeshua is through a plethora of miracles . Yeshua , as the great prophet who interprets these miracles . He calls people to believe in Him on the basis of his miraculous works ( John 10:37 , 38 ). The resurrection was the great miracle that was interpreted by Yeshua and His disciples after His resurrection . The Gospels are the interpretation of meaning from the miracles of compassion and deliverance from Yeshua and His apostles during the day so his life on earth .
Progress through Yeshua ’ s Apostles , Evangelists , and Prophets
The Gospel progresses in Israel by miraculous events interpreted by his New Covenant Apostles and Prophets . This continues with Paul as he takes the Gospel to the nations . Miracles continue to be part of the cutting edge of extending the Gospel . Those miracles then are interpreted and provide the occasion for proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom .
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