Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 29


The older I get the clearer it becomes that the primary revelation of God is through the miraculous . It is not speculation about the nature of the universe , time and eternity , first causes or other philosophical approaches . There are some such verses in the Bible . Romans says that creation reveals God ’ s power and divine majesty , ( Romans 1 , Psalm 19 ). However , the idea may be that the perception of the universe itself and our existence in it is perceived as miraculous . I do not discount the classic apologetic arguments , but they pale in comparison to the miraculous . I say this as a teacher of apologetics for 50 years and a writer of an apologetics textbook .
The Hebrew Bible
In the Bible , God is known by doing great miracles and then by the prophetic word which interprets the miraculous .
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