Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 20

In addition to being born , Yeshua also willingly subjected Himself before broken human authority . He was subject to his parents ( Luke 2 ). He submitted Himself to the authority of the priests . ( Matt . 26 ) Yeshua even stated that the authority which Pilate had over Him ( as the pagan representative of a corrupt world power ) was given to Pilate from “ above ” – meaning from His Father in Heaven . ( John 19 ) Yeshua as the agent of Creation was subject to the sinful authorities of both the Jewish and Gentile leaders of His day , and in response , He remained silent before His accusers . ( Matt . 26:63 , John 19:8 ). While on trial , He did not defend Himself and His silence cost Him His life . Yet He did not stay dead , in that His Father ( and ours ) raised Yeshua on the third day as the Scriptures foretold ! ( John 20 , 1 Cor . 15 )
Yeshua was born to be a King on the earth and His destiny is to be a King in this world . He says this to Pilate in their dialogue about power and truth in John 18:37 :
The one through whom all that was made was made , was confined to human flesh and walked the earth as a man for over thirty years just as He did for brief moments across the sweep of the Biblical record . Not only was He a man then , but He sits at the right hand of the Father in the highest place in the heavens as a man today living to make intercession for us . ( Heb 1 & 7 )
“ Pilate therefore said to Him , ‘ Are You a king then ?’ Yeshua answered , ‘ You say rightly that I am a king . For this cause I was born , and for this cause I have come into the world , that I should bear witness to the truth …’” ( emphasis added ).
Matthew begins his Gospel by revealing Yeshua ’ s lineage as the Son of David through His “ stepfather ” Joseph . ( Matt . 1 )
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