Luke bears witness to Yeshua as the Son of David through Miriam ’ s lineage as His biological mother . ( Luke 3 ) His birthright as the Son of David from both sides of His family demonstrates that He is to rule on a throne in Jerusalem forever . ( 2 Sam . 7:12-13 )
Paul tells us in his discussion of the necessity of a literal and physical resurrection of the Messiah that Yeshua ’ s Kingdom will be literal and physical as well . ( 1 Cor . 15 ) In this , Paul reminds the Corinthians that Yeshua will prepare the earth for the Father and will deliver it to Him ( v . 24 ). Part of that preparation is putting all the enemies of God under His feet , where the last enemy to be defeated will be death . ( v . 25-26 ) John tells us it will take Yeshua 1,000 years to accomplish this purpose ( Rev . 20:6 ) and at the end of that 1,000 years the Son Himself will be subject to the Father at the transition of their leadership so that the Father “ may be all and in all .” ( 1 Cor . 15:28 ) Oh , what a glorious thing it will be to behold Yeshua fulfilling His destiny ! And He is inviting us to be partners with Him in the establishment of His Kingdom – both today and in the 1,000-year age to come . ( Rev . 1:5-6 , 20:4-6 )
The God of Israel didn ’ t just appear as a man in the record of the Hebrew Scriptures , He was born as a man to make a New Covenant with the people of Israel and all from the nations who will call upon His Name through His death and resurrection . Yeshua is coming as a man to take up the throne of David and bring the dreams of the prophets of Israel to bear on the earth . I beseech you , dear reader , likewise , give yourselves to this dream – with all of your heart , with all of your soul and with all of your strength and imagination . May you be wholly devoted to seeing His Kingdom established on the earth that the Father might dwell among mankind for all of eternity !
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