Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 15

2 . Lead Me Lord
Although leadership begins with us , it is not about us . It ’ s about Him . This is why it is so essential that we take intentional steps to lead ourselves well . The first step in that is to seek , ask , and follow the leading of the Lord in our lives . The blind spot of leadership , whether leading ourselves or others , is the fact that if we are not careful , we can make everything about us . In addition to that , one of the greatest challenges we may also face is that we desire and want the attention , rather than reflecting that attention on and back toward Him . SO ! Remember to ask Him to “ Lead Me Lord !”
3 . We Have Been Created To Serve And Not Be Served
Fighting a counter-cultural view of leadership and how to operate as a leader , can be a very challenging task in today ’ s workplace , schools , relationships , and even ministries . Yet , we are not called to lead like that . We are called and were created to lead like Yeshua ! We see a great example of this in the story of the Inquiring Mother story in the Gospel of Mark . Here we have a very passionate and possibly well-intentioned Jewish mother seeking the best for her boys ( James and John ) only to be refuted by the other disciples , and with Yeshua making this challenge :
“ Yeshua said to them , “ You know those recognized as rulers of the nations lord it over them , and their great ones play the tyrant over them . Yet it is not this way among you . But whoever wants to be great among you shall be your servant , and whoever wants to be first among you shall be slave of all . For even the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give His life as a ransom for many .”
Within this great statement we are challenged not to lead as the way the rulers and great ones are leading , but rather to embrace the call and replicate the process of leading through serving others . SO ! Remember we have been created to serve , and not to be served !
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