Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 16

As we look at the story of my daughter Layla and her approach to the young early morning safety patrol girl , I am reminded of her statement that , “ I am her Captain .” There are two final thoughts to this as it pertains to that statement . First , where in our lives and in who are we currently leading do we need to reposition ourselves to taking leadership by the horns and recognizing and reaffirming our role and privilege of being and serving as someone else ’ s Captain ? There is a world of people out there who desire and want to be led well , who have a Captain that believed in and encouraged them . Secondly , maybe we need to be reminded that He , the Head Captain , is open and receptive to us when we desire to be led by Him and as He purposely approaches us with a smile and hug . And maybe , we need to hear the Father saying to us , I am proud of you , my child !
May the Lord give us grace to lead ourselves and others well !
May the Lord give us the wisdom and foresight to ask Him to lead us !
May the Lord give us the humility and strength to lead by serving !
May we all begin to lead on purpose more intentionally in the days ahead !
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