“ Who is that young girl that greets you every morning ?” “ Meredith ,” she replies .
“ How do you know her ?”
“ She ’ s on the cheer squad for school with me .”
“ I notice she looks for you every morning and you always greet her with a smile and a hug . Why is that ?”
“ Well , I ’ m her captain and she ’ s younger than me , so it ’ s important that she knows I ’ m here to support her !”
At this moment , my dad-smile kicks in , my mind is blown , and I look at her like , who ’ s child is this ? I then told her ,
“ Baby girl , I am so proud of you ! Keep leading on purpose !”
We live in a day where leadership matters now more than ever . I don ’ t need to reiterate the desperate need of good quality and character filled leaders that we ALL need in all areas of life , work , ministry , and in the home . This is why Leading On Purpose is so essential today . But what does it mean to Lead On Purpose ? Let me take a minute to address what I mean by this , and how we can apply this to our everyday , all the time lives .
1 . Leadership Begins With ME
One of the greatest needs and desires we have as people is to be led .
We can even seek poor or misguided leadership at times in our lives to fill this overall need and desire . However , despite this need and desire , there is a greater truth to be grasped here – we need to realize that leadership begins with us . Which means , we must first learn how to lead ourselves well . It ’ s taking accountability for our own actions , living an integrity-based life , following after the leading of the Holy Spirit every day and treating others with dignity , love , and respect . The more we learn how to lead ourselves well , the better we become in how we interact and lead others . No matter the level or role of our leadership . SO ! Remember Leadership Begins With Me !
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