Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 14

Spiritual Disciplines serve as means of the Spirit to intensify our relational attachment to the Vine and His love for us . Staying connected to and growing in awareness of His love has many benefits , one of them being this : through His love , we receive healing from spiritual and relational sickness that came from the effects of sin . We receive healing , renewal , and restoration in our capacity to love God with all our heart , soul , mind , and strength and our neighbor as ourselves and form holy communities of love ( Jn . 15 ; 1 Pet . 2:25-25 ; Luke 5:31-32 ; Jer . 17:9 , 14 ; Isa . 1:5-6 ; 53:4-6 ; Matt . 22:37-40 ).
Spiritual Disciplines position us to humbly receive and cooperate with God ’ s grace . This cooperation allows us to better work out our salvation in our training and transformation journey into a people who are zealous for doing good and beautiful works that display the Father ’ s heart and glorify His Name ( 1 Pet . 5:6 ; Tit . 2:11-15 ; 3:4-8 ; Lk . 6:40 ; Phil . 2:12-13 ; Matt . 5:14-16 ).
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Spiritual Disciplines are ways we give ourselves to God with the longing for increasing participation in the Divine Nature . This participation comes through the Holy Spirit ’ s power as we dwell in the gift of experiential relational union with the Father and Son for the transformation of our character on the journey into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah ( 2 Pet . 1:3-11 ; Jn . 17:3 ).