Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 15

Spiritual Disciplines are practical ways we learn to set our minds on things above where Messiah is at the right hand of God . In this way , we behold Him with unveiled faces and are changed , little by little , from glory to glory as we put on the character of Messiah ( 2 Cor . 3:18 ; Col . 3:1-17 ).
Spiritual Disciplines are means of grace that facilitate our healing and wholeness . As we increase in these things during our journey , we increasingly become the kind of people who routinely love God and neighbor and bless our enemies as practitioners of the Teaching of the King ( Matt . 5-7 ; 28:17-20 ).
Spiritual Disciplines are ways we practice back and forth covenant relationship with the LORD our God who is the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit . They are ways we are called to practice back and forth relationships with people as well in our community , in our homes , in our workplaces and in our interactions with strangers .
In the next article in this series , we will begin to look at a catalog of Spiritual Disciplines that I would recommend you consider either improving upon or experimenting with .
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