Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | October 2023 | Page 27

Thus , as Samuel grew in his relationship with the Lord , he was able to identify what the Lord was saying because His relationship with God began and ended with listening to Adonai !
Nature , Music , and the Arts God ’ s glory is proclaimed by the creation that is all around us . The Lord will speak through the wonder of the creation and the creative mediums of art and music . The Lord may bring a song to mind . This is especially true for songs that use words of Scripture .
Rest Stop How have you experienced the Lord speaking to you in prayer ?
Is there a particular way that you hear his voice ?
However , as the Lord speaks to you , we need to make sure that we discern what we hear to make sure it is not just our thoughts or the thoughts of the enemy . These four discernment questions can help every Christian and Messianic believer evaluate what we are hearing .
1 . Does it give glory to Yeshua in the present and for the future ? ( John 16:13-14 )
2 . Is it consistent with the intentions and character of God as revealed in Scripture ? ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 )
3 . Do other Holy Spirit-filled believers have a confirming witness to what you feel this Lord is speaking ? ( 1 Corinthians 14:29 )
4 . Is there confirmation in objectively verifiable events or facts ? ( Deuteronomy 18:21-22 )
If we can say “ Yes ” to all of these questions , we can be confident that we are hearing from the Lord . Sometimes we have to wait and even walk out in faith for a while before seeing the answer to the last question .
Rest Stop
Share an experience of how the Ruach has guided you .
How did you know it was the Spirit speaking to you and leading you ?
What happened when you followed the guidance of God ’ s Spirit ?
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