Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | October 2023 | Página 28

As we pause and practice taking the time to listen to what the Lord is saying , we will hear His voice and He will provide us with direction and guidance . It may take some time and require some practice for us to quiet down our minds so that we can hear from the Lord .
Scenic Route
Take five minutes at the beginning of your prayer time to listen to what the Ruach haKodesh wants to say about how to pray for a particular situation . Open that time of listening with a prayer asking the Father to speak to you .
As stated above with the shepherds during the time of Yeshua , we must ask ourselves if we are truly daily listening to God ’ s voice and recognizing His will ? The Father has given us perfect direction in knowing His voice and in being guided by the Spirit in every avenue of our lives . As we let God speak , then we will know His will and will be empowered to walk in His ways with confidence .
Wait in the quiet , listening for the Lord . He may speak in a picture , a word , a Scripture or one of the other ways mentioned in the devotional . Make a note of what you hear or see .
If you are in a group , you can share what you heard and listen to other people to find common threads . Or , if you are on your own , you can just record what you hear in a journal .
Then use the four discernment questions above to evaluate what you have heard .
If you can say yes to them , then move into praying according to how the Holy Spirit has led you .
Reflect upon how your prayer time changed when you made space to listen to Adonai and what Yeshua was revealing ..
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