provides gifts for hundreds of children
each year.
$8 suggested donation for Toys for Tots
or bring an $8 value new unwrapped
toy for your ticket through the line for a
Thanksgiving Feast with us! See the
website for additional information.
Downtown Boulder’s
Switch on the Holidays
1300 Block of Pearl Street, Boulder,
November 22nd, 2015
5:00 p.m.
Website: https://www.boulderdowntown.
The popular pedestrian thoroughfare
crowds with people as live music fills the
air and Santa counts down to the grand
illumination of the street, courthouse and
star atop Flagstaff Mountain. Afterward,
head to the ice rink for more family
Holiday performances by the Boulder
Chorale lead up to the grand illumination
of the Boulder County Courthouse and
the Pearl Street Mall, with a special
appearance by Santa himself! Then
stick around for FREE visits with Santa
until 7:00 p.m.
35th Annual RMH-D Turkey Run
November 22nd, 2015
2885 W. County Line Road Littleton,
CO 80129
9:30 AM
Website: http://www.rockymountainhd.
Registration is from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
at the dealership
SNOW, RAIN, OR SHINE! We will have
50/50, Door Prizes, Food and TONS
of fun! Call Rocky Mountain HarleyDavidson for more information!
Watch Football with Northern
Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs.
November 22nd, 2015
11:00 AM, ride after the game if weather
[email protected]
132 Laporte Ave Ft Collins
Description: Come watch the Broncos
game with Northern Colorado Biker
Down to win prizes and have some fun
and support Northern Colorado Biker
Down! Join us every Sunday during the
Denver Football Season and help us
raise money and awareness for injured
bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met
at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson
roughly two and a half hours before
every game for a short ride, weather
depending. If we cannot ride, we will
meet at that week’s location. There will
be prizes, give aways and fun for all.
Pueblo Parade of Lights
Pueblo, CO
November 28, 2015
Website: http://www.puebloparadeoflights.
This event is a well-established holiday
tradition in Pueblo. Cheerful onlookers
bundle up in coats, hats and mittens to
watch nearly 100 lighted floats, antique
cars and marching bands pass by.
Following the parade, Santa will be
available to visit with children.
Watch Football with Northern
Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs.
New England
November 28th, 2015
Time: 6:30 PM, Meet at Thunder
Mountain Harley Davidson at 4:00 PM if
weather permits
[email protected]
Tilted Kilt
610 9th Ave, Greeley
Description: Come watch the Broncos
game with Northern Colorado Biker
Down to win prizes and have some fun
and support Northern Colorado Biker
Down! Join us every Sunday during the
Denver Football Season and help us
raise money and awareness for injured
bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met
at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson
roughly two and a half hours before
every game for a short ride, weather
depending. If we cannot ride, we will
meet at that week’s location. There will
be prizes, give aways and fun for all.
Catch the Glow Holiday Celebration
and Evening Parade
Estes Park, Colorado
November 27th–29th, 2015
The annual “Catch the Glow” parade
the day on November 27 caps a day
November 2015
of full activity in downtown Estes Park.
With holiday music broadcast outdoors
throughout the town helping set the
scene, visitors can interact with strolling
animal characters, enjoy free hayrides
and visit with Santa Claus throughout
the day. Daytime activities begin at noon;
parade begins at 5:30 pm. All activities
are free. On Saturday, November 28,
don’t miss Santa’s Workshop being held
at the new Estes Park Events Complex!
Santa will be at his workshop to entertain
kids with many fun hands-on holiday
themed activities! Kids can see the
Catch the Glow Parade floats up-close,
decorate kid-friendly trees , create their
own gingerbread house from the candy
construction station, ride in the barrel
train, get creative at Santa’s construction
work station, and much more!
Greeley Lights the Night Parade
Greeley, CO
November 30th, 2015
Website: http://www.greeleydowntown.
Bring the family downtown for a whole
day of holiday fun November 30th. You
can start with the Holiday Open House
from 10 to 5. Over 20 businesses
participate in our “Downtown Bingo”
game. Get at least 10 of the required
downtown stamps on your card and
enter to win the grand prize worth over
$1,000! Businesses will have special
events like cookie decorating, bead
making, live mannequins, a children’s
book signing and more. Be sure to stop
by the UCCC and visit the Festival of
Trees too. At 5:30 enjoy the Greeley
Lights the Night Parade. Over 40 parade
entries all decked out in holiday lights
will travel north on 9th avenue from
15th street to 7th street in the heart of
downtown by Lincoln Park. Stake out
your spot early! Immediately following
the parade gather with the revelers in
Lincoln Park. We’ll announce the parade
winners, sing a few carols, and the
Greeley Parks Department with flip the
switch to turn on the beautiful Lincoln
Park tree lights. Habitat for Humanity will
be there with their decorated playhouse
and will be serving cider, hot chocolate
and cookies. It will be one of your last
chances to buy raffle tickets to win the
playhouse for your family!
Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 21